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$url->get(); return abc.com/index/index?aa=bb&cc=dd but I want abc.com/index/index/aa/bb/cc/dd

What do I need to do?

Is the url actually abc.com/index/index?aa=bb&cc=dd

Not a very advanced solution but what about string replacing '?, =, &' with '/'

I don't understand your meaning. Can you say it in detail?

Like this

    $url = $url->get();

    $url =  str_replace("&", "/",str_replace("=", "/",str_replace("?","/", $url)));

You can use a method from Class Phalcon\Http\Request called getURI, this method will return the URI which the request has been made. If you need the domain you can use the getHttpHost method from the same class.

A little example Here